PetsHotel Special Offers

New Guest Special - get 1 night FREE with multi-night stay

Holiday travel plans? Book your pet's stay now. Hurry before reservations fill up! First-time guests enjoy one night free with the purchase of a multi-night stay. See an associate for more details.

PetsHotel offers:

  • On-site care & on-call vet
  • Safety-certified Hotel Hosts
  • Full-service amenities

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Select locations. Pet age, health & vaccination requirements apply. Subject to availability. New customers only. Free night discount applied at the register when checking out. Excludes packages & all add-ons. Minimum overnight stay period is two (2) consecutive nights. Maximum one free night per customer. Prices may vary. Breed restrictions may apply.

Senior, Armed Forces, & First Responders Discount -- save 10% on any overnight stay

In honour of first responders, Armed Forces members & Senior Citizens, we offer a 10% discount on any overnight stay at PetsHotel. See an associate for more details.

PetsHotel offers:

  • On-site care & on-call vet
  • Safety-certified Hotel Hosts
  • Full-service amenities

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Offer valid for 65+ with identification for age verification required to receive a discount coupon. All Canadian Armed Forces members must show government-issued identification to verify service to a Services associate to receive a discount coupon. Eligible personnel include state & local first responders who are active, retired or volunteer, including: Firefighters, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) & Emergency Medical Services (EMS) & Law enforcement including State Troopers, Sheriffs, Sheriff's Deputies & Local Police. Not eligible: Federal-level law enforcement personnel (e.g., Border Patrol Agents, CIA, DEA, FEMA, FBI, NSA, etc.). Must provide validation of First Responder status to receive discount. Only one discount per stay. Subject to availability. Pet age, health & vaccination requirements apply. Discount does not apply to merchandise. Excludes all add-ons, Doggie Day Camp and PetsHotel Bundle Packages.