New Guest Special - get 1 night FREE with multi-night stay
Holiday travel plans? Book your pet's stay now. Hurry before reservations fill up! First-time guests enjoy one night free with the purchase of a multi-night stay. See an associate for more details.
PetsHotel offers:
- On-site care & on-call vet
- Safety-certified Hotel Hosts
- Full-service amenities
Select locations. Pet age, health & vaccination requirements apply. Subject to availability. New customers only. Free night discount applied at the register when checking out. Excludes packages & all add-ons. Minimum overnight stay period is two (2) consecutive nights. Maximum one free night per customer. Prices may vary. Breed restrictions may apply.
Senior, Armed Forces, & First Responders Discount -- save 10% on any overnight stay
In honour of first responders, Armed Forces members & Senior Citizens, we offer a 10% discount on any overnight stay at PetsHotel. See an associate for more details.
PetsHotel offers:
- On-site care & on-call vet
- Safety-certified Hotel Hosts
- Full-service amenities